Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
1. The labour market situation of disabled people in European countries and implementation of employment policies: a summary of evidence from country reports and research studies (by Bent Greve)
The publication concerns "Key features and trends in employment policies" and "Disabled people and the labour market situation".
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
This video is referred to educators and students which tell how science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities can be made accessible and how disabilities can prepare for these field.
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
5. Labour market experiences of people with disabilities (by Allan Smith and Breda Twomwy)
This paper analyzes an examination of the characteristics of people with disabilities and how they fare in the labour market using up-to-date analysis from the labour Force Survey.
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
6. Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People (a joint report with:
Department of Work and Pensions
Department of Health
Department for Education and Skills
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
This report sets out an ambitious programme of action that will bring disabled people fully
within the scope of the “opportunity society”. By supporting disabled people to help
themselves, a step change can be achieved in the participation and inclusion of disabled
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
7. Report on the employment of disabled people in European countries
Country: Greece
Authors: Ms. Eleni Strati, Ms. Anna Evangelinou
(DISABILITY NOW Non-profit organisation)
The survey carried out by the National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG): “People with Health Problems or Disabilities” (2nd quarter of 2002), constitutes the latest available measurement of employment rates with regards to disabled people, looking as well at the kind of assistance provided to disabled people at work. It is characteristic that this survey constitutes at the same time the most recent measurement of the population of people with disability or health problems in Greece in itself, while most recent household census regarding income and living conditions does not include data collection and analysis on the basis of disability.
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
8. The labor market integration of people with
In Europe and Romania:
Literature and policy review report
Report Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Teodor Mircea ALEXIU, PhD
The purpose of this review of documents on disability is to provide a summary of factors associated to policy outcomes regarding the inclusion of people with disabilities, in order to identify risk factors and best practice models across EU countries. This review aims to examine on one hand the situation of disabled people in EU countries and on the other hand, four large factors associated with social inclusion of disabled persons: (1) employment, (2) educational participation, (3) living condition, and (4) discrimination on grounds of disability across representative studies/reports/policy documents at the EU level. Based on these four dimensions, a series of reviews were performed to assess the policies and strategies across multiple studies/reports/policy documents on employment, discrimination, education, and living conditions for disabled people. Results showed that a large percentage of disabled persons are excluded from the labor market, in general have lower educational opportunities, and lower community participation compared with people without disabilities.
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements
9. The Mobility and Integration of People with
Disabilities into the Labour Market
The study assesses the situation of people with disabilities within the European Union and the impact of the measures used to increase their employment. People with disabilities face low employment rates, a high dependency on benefits as well as increased poverty risk. Two types of measures exist to reinforce the social inclusion of disabled people: passive measures (cash benefits) and active measures (active labour market policies). Non-discrimination legislation and policy play an important part within the integration process of the European Union. It is argued that there is a need for an effective implementation and enforcement of the principle of non-discrimination. In addition, disability should be addressed from a broader scope by focusing on remaining or partial work capacity rather than work incapacity. Therefore, a right balance between flexibility on the one hand and security on the other hand is needed. The objective of promoting independent living for disabled people should be included as an explicit priority in the next Disability Action Plan. AUTHORS
Werner Eichhorst (IZA)
Michael J. Kendzia (IZA)
Jonathan Benjamin Knudsen (NIRAS)
Mette Okkels Hansen (NIRAS)
Barbara Vandeweghe (IDEA Consult)
Ingrid Verhoren (IDEA Consult)
Eva Rückert (WIFO)
Bernd Schulte (Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law)
Module 5: Post-education: labour market integration and opportunities - Four Elements