Conference "Human Rights in Academic Formation and Social Commitment"

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Conference "Human Rights in Academic Formation and Social Commitment"

Monday, November 6, 2017
On Friday, November 3, the Conference "Human Rights in Academic Formation and Social Commitment" was held at the Headquarters of the National University of Rosario, as part of the 2017 Extension Week.

It aimed at students, teachers, non-teachers, health professionals, psychology, education and those who work in activities related to the subject, aimed to generate the debate on the social and academic approaches of disability and problematize about the possible gazes in the construction of current childhoods.

The day was attended by personalities related to the theme, as representatives of the Interuniversity Commission on Disability and Human Rights, which generated a round table on "Disability in Higher Education" by the Mg. Marcela Méndez (UNLA), Lic. Esteban Kipen (UNER) and Arch. Julio Putallaz (UNNE).

In the afternoon, the panel "From Integration to socio-educational inclusion" was developed by Mg. Marcela Covarrubias who addressed the issue of education in the framework of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CDPcD), providing reflections from the resolution of the Federal Education Council No. 311/16. While Dr. Norberto Boggino focused on academic accessibility.
Likewise, there was the participation of Lic. Liliana González, graduated from the National University of Río Cuarto (UNRC), who spoke on the "construction of new childhoods"; Dr. Ana Bloj, professor of the Psychology faculty of the UNR who spoke about public policies and the new legalities of current childhoods. Finally, Ms. Viviana Roldán, professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UNR; the psychologist Natalia Amatiello and the Ps. Federico Abib talked about comprehensive sexual education and child sexual abuse.